Heritage Tours
We are a touchstone for the connective memories of Spain— past and future.
We work with our clients to determine their ancestry and transport them back to the days of old. The trades and establishments that thrived in that town at the time, the residents who lived here, and the undercurrent of the times that led to who and where we are. We’re the place where the idea of our history emerged; the place where we all began and the sentiment of its time. The story of our grandparents begins here — all of it: the good and the bad.
Yes, we are an historic treasure. But we’re more than a collection of buildings.
We are a vibrant community on the cusp of change, with issues, emotions and beliefs that are still relevant today. We are a place — and a moment — that must be experienced by every person who wants to understand this country and each other.
We are world-renowned experts, with a contagious curiosity. We are passionate about the discovery and exploration of America’s enduring story and are dedicated to connecting you to it and to each other.
We are integrity. We are bravery. We are fear, hope, and promise. We are the most important emotions of our country’s past, in the present tense.
It sounds like a big deal, we know. But we are also welcoming. We are approachable, dynamic, engaging, and entertaining. We invite people of all kinds from all generations.
You’ll be moved. You’ll be changed. As you step back in time and meet the people who made America, you will have fun. And you will become part of the enduring American story. Because this isn’t just a place where things once happened.
They’re still happening. You see, the story never ends. It endures.
Those seeking to learn more about their ancestors and what life was like at when your grandparents lived in Spain. We explore the time period in the precise town where your grandparents lived and the activities of the time. Know where they went to dance parties and where he/she went to drink their coffee and the conversations of the time.